The name of my pilot in Subspace is SlaDaN. Although I have gone by other names such as DraGoNsLaY and Dr. Doom. Subspace is a shoot-em-up where you fly spaceships in a map along with many others from around the world. I have been playing subspace since along time ago and I cant get enough of it. More depth is added to this great game with the introduction of squadrons in which you fly together to improve your squad's record against the rest. My current squad is Rogue Minors which is a chapter of Minor Threats, one of the best squads around. We mainly fly in TURF zone, where the object is to control as much turf as possible, represented by the number of flags you own. I am a jack of alltrades and master of some. I fly all the ships depending on the mood im in.


WarbirdThe Warbird has no real specialities other than that its incredible manouverability can easily dodge bullets and bombs fired at you in the open.

JavelinThe Javelin is easily the fastest of all the ships and no other can beat it when its speed at full power. This ship is very useful for "Drive-By" killing.

SpiderThis craft can sneak through enemy bases unseen to the naked radar while cloaking. The only thing that counters a cloaker is the x-radar.

LeviathanThis craft packs the extra punch which the others dont. The only craft able to use the extremely powerful Level 3 bombs and also has a higher level of energy than the others.

TerrierThis craft is very powerful using its double barrel guns. The extra fire power can easily and quickly dispose of intruders.

WeaselThe weasel is the only ship that can use the special EMP bombs. These bombs stop the opponent from recharging for a short ammount of time and is a threat to even the best pilots.

LancasterThis special craft can fire bouncy bombs which rebound off a wall once then explode. This is an excellent craft for base assaults as it can shoot bombs around corners.

Download my Alternative ship color scheme here

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